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Ron Valstar
front-end developer

beta testing rocks

Well, the bullet is through the church (always fun to just translate a Dutch saying into English). The Filter Forge beta test ends. This product is really cool. And giving away free copies for good beta testing is even cooler. I thought well… fifteen.. maybe thirty lucky people tops. But these guys are insane. The’ve just given away threehundredeleven copies to the beta testers for submitting filters, bug reporting, suggestions and good behaviour. Now that is gratitude. I hope the’ve got some people left to sell it to :-P.
It was really fun to be one of the beta testers (and I’m not just saying that because I’m one of the lucky ones). I haven’t had much time to submit any filters recently but I’m sure I will in the future. Maybe now is a good time to put these seamless filters to good use in a totally different beta test. It’s about time I learned as3 anyway.