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Ron Valstar
front-end developer

Flash plugin bug

I don’t normally talk this type of geek talk but I just spent hours trying to debug the weirdest IE glitch.
When I code Flash I mostly always code positions relative to the stage dimensions (stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight). This prevents the trouble you go through when your client decides to add another x amount of pixels to the dimensions.
Now I only got this IE glitch online, and only on my Vista OS. XP was working fine for me, but on other machines XP did the same thing. That’s already quite random behavior but it probably has to do with the Flash plugin version.
The first time the page loads everything is fine. But if you reload, or navigate away and go back, both the stageWidth and the stageHeight are 0 on the first cycle. This is probably due to cashing and initializing but a Flash plugin bug nonetheless. A way to circumvene this problem is to run an enterframe and only startup the lot when the stageWidth and -Height are something else than 0. Or hardcode these values of course, but who would want that?
Hope this helps some desperate souls out there.