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Ron Valstar
front-end developer


ActionScript 3 is easy as pie, it just looks a bit scary at first. As I mentioned earlier I had a look at Papervision3D (a 3D engine for Flash) and decided it would be a good oppurtunity to take up as3 (and test some of my filters in 3D at the same time).
After some fiddling around I noticed that the only primitives in Papervision3D were a plane, a paper plane (whieeee) and stars (?). No cube, no sphere… hey I can do spheres. So next in line are: cylinder, cone, torus and cube. And if I feel bold I might try some polyhedra.
So that’s my little contribution to the Papervision3D project: coded 3D primitives. It’s not much (especially not compared to what this person does) but as they say here: all little bits help.


… and that’s four primitives (well, actually it is three: the cone is really a cylinder).