Strange stuff
The first animation from the ‘Attractor viewer‘ rebuild. Rendering animations is now easy as pie (thanks to Daniel Shiffmans MovieMaker library). In the last version I would spit out tons of tif files and import them into Flash to export it as a movie.
The problem with the last version was that it was built in the Processing 69 version. For which you needed Quicktime for Java which is now nowhere to be found or won’t install properly (I can’t remember which). The online version is still working but it doesn’t save images (that will change in the new version). Besides, looking at the code more than a year later did not really encourage me to adjust it to the latest Processing version.
A good year of doing ActionScript 3 really changed the way I code. I did do a small test to get it to work in as3 but, as you can see for your self, it sucks.
Maybe in a week I’ll upload a first new version. There’s still lot’s of things to do. I first want to try to get a good render print (A2 at 300 dpi). Only a ‘mere’ two billion iterations will not do I fear, so goodbye int.