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Ron Valstar
front-end developer

Tinysort v2

TinySort just had a major release to v2. The jQuery dependency is now removed. So it is not a jQuery plugin anymore but a ‘standalone’ script without dependencies. It is also a fraction smaller and a bit faster.
TinySort now also has AMD support and it’s on CDN.

Hopefully people won’t be too confused/dissapointed/pissed-off. I had been neglecting this project a bit lately. The biggest reason is that I have not been using jQuery for the past two years. The current state of browsers is so good jQuery is becoming obsolete. All you really need these days are ES5/6 shims.

I know making TinySort pure-js must feel like going from GUI to CLI for some people but it’s really for the best (but if you really really insist: it does have a jQuery wrapper).
So here’s a challenge for your next project: no jQuery. No convenient black-box abstraction layer but pure JavaScript. You might even learn a thing or two about the DOM.