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Ron Valstar
front-end developer

Stats plugin

You might have noticed: this plugin has been discontinued.

The plugin saves server side data: REMOTE_ADDR (ip), REMOTE_HOST, REQUEST_URI, SCRIPT_NAME, HTTP_USER_AGENT, HTTP_REFERER and of course datetime.

It is then displayed in an admin stats page:

You can alter some options:

Here is a screenshot:

As you can see there are a couple of lines with an extremely small font size, those are the bot and spider hits. The font sizes return to normal when you rollover them.
The page also retrieves the ‘exact’ location of the ip, displayed by a flag and an abreviation. The ip2location database table is quite large (an extra 3.66MB) so activating the plugin wil take a few more seconds than usual.
The list of search engines will first display the url of the engine, followed by a number of keywords searched for with that engine (so in this screenshots unclear case some idiot searched for ‘www’ and found my site).


version size date download
0.2 539KB 2007 02 12 download


version date changes
0.2 2007 02 12
  • added seperate keyword listing
  • bot displayed in tiny font-size
  • removed self from referers