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Ron Valstar
front-end developer


Normal people read a good book before they go to sleep. I normally do to, but yesterday I read this document on HTML 5 (on my PSP, in case you”re wondering if I have a computer in bed).
The changes are really promising: a new content model concept (display:static/block/inline), menu and command elements, datagrid, focus on defining the semantics in detail, and I wonder what ”sandboxing for iframes” means.
So when will it be ready? I first thought the previous was a joke or something, because I read at W3C that their XHTML2 working group is going to be assigned to HTML5 the end of this year. But then I searched a little further and it seems HTML5 will indeed be ready in 2022 (not a typo: twothousandtwentytwo). But but but… that”s twelve years from now! I”ll be an old man by then!