This endless landscape project was made to learn processing (and java).
You can move about endlessly and zoom in and zoom out to a great extent. There are ships sailing around, little people, houses and little covered wagons in there.I’v made it in the processing alpha version and although I’m still planning to work on it further (implement trees by using my gritted noise technique) I haven’t had time to port it to the processing beta version yet.
There’s also some code in the source for importing 3d models, which I borowed from Elout de Kok and adapted into two classes in order to import more than one object and make multiple instances.
The keyboard controls are arrow keys (and sdfe) for movement and +- (and az) for zooming. Click the screen first.
or just watch the video
The main technique I used is Perlin noise, which a way to generate a random flow by interpolation of random numbers. This technique was invented by Ken Perlin.
Here are some good links: