Experiment: flow field
A flow field is a vector field used to move particles. In this case the field is provided by a 3D Simplex field (2D and time).
The number of particles is dynamic; particles are added and removed to reach an optimal framerate.
import experiment from './base'
import perlin from '../math/perlin'
// import pool from '../pattern/pool'
import color from '../math/color'
let inst = experiment('flowfield',{
init: init
,handleAnimate: handleAnimate
,handleResize: handleResize
,zuper = inst.zuper
,imageData, pixels, i
,scale = 1
,particlesNum = 0
,particles = []
,fieldScale = 0.01*scale
,timeScale = 0.0009
,particleSpeed = 0.25
,flowfieldScale = 2
,flowfieldInstances = []
,canvasTemp = document.createElement('canvas')
,contextTemp = canvasTemp.getContext("2d")
,aFPos = [[-1,-1],[0,-1],[1,-1],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1],[-1,1],[-1,0]]
,point = /*pool*/(point_)
function init(_target) {
target = _target;
canvas = zuper.init(_target);
context = inst.context;
if (particlesNum===0) for (i = 0; i<3000; i++) addParticle();
return canvas;
// protected methods
function handleResize(){
canvasTemp.width = canvas.width;
canvasTemp.height = canvas.height;
w = target.clientWidth/scale<<0;
h = target.clientHeight/scale<<0;
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;
imageData = context.getImageData(0,0,w,h);
pixels = imageData.data;
context.fillStyle = color('#402').rgba(0.1);
function handleAnimate(deltaT,millis,frame){
// adjust number of particles fps 24 ~ 1000/24=41
if (deltaT<30) {
let num = 10;
while (num--) addParticle();
} else if (deltaT>40) {
// blur a bit
let iPos = frame%8
,iPos2 = (iPos+4)%8
,aFFPos = aFPos[iPos]
,aFFPos2 = aFPos[iPos2];
context.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
imageData = context.getImageData(0,0,w,h);
pixels = imageData.data;
let aCheck = []
,oPoint, iAge, n, x, y, xy, fSpeed, iModMillis;
flowfieldInstances.length = 0;
i = particlesNum;
while (--i) {
oPoint = particles[i];
iAge = oPoint.getAge();
x = oPoint.getX()<<0;
y = oPoint.getY()<<0;
xy = y*w+x;
if (aCheck[xy]) {
} else {
aCheck[xy] = true;
n = 4*(y*w+x);
fSpeed = oPoint.getSpeed()/particleSpeed*10;
iModMillis = ((millis+oPoint.id)*0.1)%511<<0;
pixels[n] = fSpeed*255;
pixels[n+1] = iModMillis<=255?iModMillis:511-iModMillis;
pixels[n+2] = 255-fSpeed*255;
pixels[n+3] = 255;
context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
function addParticle() {
particlesNum = particles.push(point(w*Math.random(),h*Math.random()));
function removeParticle() {
// particles.pop().drop();
particlesNum = particles.length;
function point_(_x,_y) {
if (point.id===undefined) point.id = 0;
let x = _x
,y = _y
,vx = 0.81 * (Math.random() - 0.5)
,vy = 0.81 * (Math.random() - 0.5)
,fOff = 0.1
,fP1, fP2, fP3
,scaleX, scaleY
,iSx, iSy
,birth = Math.random()*1E9<<0
,age = 0
,id = point.id++
function run(deltaT,millis,flowfield){
scaleX = fieldScale * x;
scaleY = fieldScale * y;
iSx = x>>flowfieldScale;
iSy = y>>flowfieldScale;
let iFlowfieldIndex = iSx + iSy*(w>>flowfieldScale);
if (flowfield.length>iFlowfieldIndex&&flowfield[iFlowfieldIndex]!==undefined) {
let aFlowfieldVector = flowfield[iFlowfieldIndex];
vx = aFlowfieldVector[0];
vy = aFlowfieldVector[1];
} else {
fP1 = perlin.noise(timeScale*millis,scaleX,scaleY);
fP2 = perlin.noise(timeScale*millis,scaleX + fOff,scaleY);
fP3 = perlin.noise(timeScale*millis,scaleX,scaleY + fOff);
vx = fP2 - fP1;
vy = fP3 - fP1;
flowfield[iFlowfieldIndex] = [vx,vy];
x = x + deltaT*particleSpeed*vx;
y = y + deltaT*particleSpeed*vy;
age = millis-birth;
if (x<0 || x>w || y<0 || y>h) {
function reset(millis){
birth = millis;
x = w * Math.random();
y = w * Math.random();
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
function getSpeed(){
return Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
return {
toString: function(){return '[object point '+id+']';}
,getX: function() {
return x;
,getY: function() {
return y;
,getAge: function() {
return age;
,id: id
export const flowfield = inst.expose